Nacapei is a company with more than 20 years of experience in transportation services, logistics, ecommerce, IT, financing and printing, advertising and marketing. As an acronym of NACA PROYECTOS E INVERSIONES SL, we have specialized in offering customized transport and courier solutions that connect your company with the rest of the world, all with the latest technologies.


We are a group of service companies committed to people, some with more than 20 years and others transformed to evolve. Our commitment is to offer people-to-people services, both to our companies and our clients, maintaining the human factor in an era where technology prevails.

Our business objective is inclusive, providing a platform for small local businesses to offer their services to the businesses around them without being subject to the constraints of large multinationals. We want to liberate small businesses and allow them to compete fairly with the strength that proximity and the human factor give us, always within the law.

We know that competition is unequal, but we have created this tool to fight inequality and reduce the gap between us. We look forward to continuing to grow together.

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