In compliance with the provisions of Article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, 2002, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE), the User is hereby informed of the identifying data of the owner of the website:

  • TAX ID: B66646514
  • Registration data in Barcelona Mercantile Registry: VOLUME 37370, SHEET 0114, SHEET B309214
  • E-mail:
  • Phone number: (+34) 934414959


The NACAPEI.COM website provides information on management, distribution, digitalization and archiving services for official and commercial documentation. NACAPEI.COM offers the content and services that are available on the website, subject to this Legal Notice as well as the policy on personal data processing (hereinafter, the “Privacy Policy”).

Through the website NACAPEI.COM offers Users the possibility of accessing information about the company, its contact details, its products and services and its location. Access to this website or its use in any form gives you the qualification of “User” and implies unreserved acceptance of this Legal Notice.


The website, including but not limited to its programming, editing, compilation and other elements necessary for its operation, designs, logos, text and/or graphics are the property of NACAPEI.COM or its legitimate owners. All the contents of the website are duly protected by intellectual and industrial property regulations, as well as registered in the corresponding public registries.

Regardless of the purpose for which they were intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and commercialization of the contents of this website, requires in any case of prior authorization by NACAPEI.COM. Any use not previously authorized by the owner of the website will be considered a serious breach of intellectual or industrial property rights. NACAPEI.COM, authorizes the Users to use, visualize, print, download and store the Contents and/or the elements inserted in the Website exclusively for their personal, private and non-profit use; provided that the origin and/or author of the same is indicated and that, if applicable, the Copyright symbol and/or industrial property notes of their owners appear. For any use other than those expressly permitted, it will be necessary to obtain the prior written consent of the holder of the rights in question. The User acknowledges and accepts that the access and use of the Website and/or the Contents included therein takes place freely and consciously, under his/her exclusive responsibility, without NACAPEI.COM being liable in any case for possible damages that may be caused to the user, up to the limit expressly set by the regulations in force. The logos outside NACAPEI.COM, which may appear on the Web site, belong to their respective owners, being in any case themselves responsible for any possible dispute that may arise with respect to them. The placement of the same on the website NACAPEI.COM, has been in any case, prior communication and acceptance by them.

NACAPEI.COM , Regardless of the purpose for which they were intended, the total or partial reproduction, use, exploitation, distribution and commercialization of the contents of this website, requires in any case of prior authorization by NACAPEI.COM. Any use not previously authorized by the owner of the website will be considered a serious breach of intellectual or industrial property rights


A cookie is a file that is downloaded to the User’s computer when accessing certain web pages. Cookies allow a website, among other things, store and retrieve information about browsing habits of a user or your computer and, dependint on the information they contain and the way you use your computer, could be used to recognize the user. You can consult the information on the type of cookies we use by accessing our Cookies Policy.


NACAPEI.COM has internal procedures to ensure compliance with the obligations set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR), as well as the provisions of the applicable national regulations on data protection. You can consult all the information on how we treat the data collected through this website by accessing our Privacy Policy.


The User agrees to:

  • To make proper and lawful use of the website as well as the contents and services, in accordance with
    • The applicable legislation at any given time
    • The General Conditions of Use of the Web Site
    • Generally accepted morals and good customs
    • Public order.
  • Provide all the means and technical requirements necessary to acces the Web Site.
  • Provide truthful information when providing their personal data to the forms containded in the Website and keep them ubdated at all times so that it responds, at all times, to the real situation of the User. The User will be solely responsible for any false or inaccurate statements made and the damages caused to NACAPEI.COM or third parties for the information provided
  • The User shall also refrain from
  • Make unauthorized or fraudulent use of the Website and/or the contents for illicit pruproses or effects, prohibited in these General Conditions of Use, harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, or that in any way may damage, render useless, overload, deteriorate or impede the normal use of the services or the documents, files and all kinds of contents stored iin any computer equipment.
    • Cause damage to the physical or logical systems of the Website, its suppliers or third parties.
    • Introduce or disseminate in the network computer viruses or any other physical or logical systems that are likely to cause damage to the physical or logical systems of NACAPEI.COM, its suppliers or third parties
    • Attempt to acces, use and/or manipulate the data or NACAPEI.COM, third party providers and other Users.
    • Reproduce or copy, distribute, allow public acces through any form of public communication, transform or modify the contents, unless authorized by the holder of the corresponding rights or it is legally permitted.
    • Delete, hide or manipulate the notes on intellectual or industrial property rights and other data identifying the rights of NACAPEI.COM or third parties included in the contents, as well as the technical protection devices or any information mechanisms that may be inserted in the contents.
  • If, in order to acces any of the services and/or contents of the website, any type of credential or password is generated, the User undertakes to use it diligently, keeping it secret at all times. Consequently, he/she shall be responsible for its proper custody and confidentiality, undertaking not to transfer it to third parties, temporarily or permanently, nor to allow acces to the aforementioned services and/or contents by outsiders. Likewise, he/she is obliged to notify NACAPEI.COM of any event that may imply an improper use of his/her password, such as, but not limited to, its theft, loss or unauthorized acces, in order to proceed to its immediate cancellation. Consequently, until you make the above notification, NACAPEI.COM will be exempt from any liability that may arise from the misuse of your password, being your responsibility for any illegal use of the contents and/or services of the Website by any illegitimate third party

NACAPEI.COM shall not be liable for any damages that may arise among others, from:

  • Interferences, interruptions, failures, omissions, telephone breakdowns, delays, blockages or disconnections in the operation of the electronic system, caused by deficiencies, overloads and errors in telecommunications lines and networks, or any other cause beyond the control of NACAPEI.COM
  • Illegitimate intrusions through the use of malicious programs of any kind and through any means of communication, such as computer viruses or any other.
  • Improper or inappropriate abuse of Web Site
  • Security or navigation errors caused by a malfunction of the browser or by the use of non-updated versions of the same. The administrators of NACAPEI.COM reserve the right to withdraw, totally or partially, any content or information present on the Web Site.


uses state-of-the-art technologies to protect your personal data and information and our website is stored on secure servers protected against the most common types of attacks. NACAPEI.COM has adopted technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of personal data and prevent its alteration, loss, unauthorized access or processing, given the state of technology, the nature of the data stored and the risks to which they are exposed.


NACAPEI.COM NACAPEI.COM makes every effort to ensure the availability and continuity of the website, the Platform and the services linked to it. However, NACAPEI.COM cannot guarantee that they will function correctly at all times, that the User will be able to access and use them quickly, uninterruptedly and free of errors. NACAPEI.COM will act diligently according to the general uses accepted in the sector to avoid the presence on the website of viruses or other harmful elements that could cause alterations in the User's computer system, electronic documents or files, but cannot guarantee the absence of such elements, and is not liable for damages that this could cause.


All notifications and communications from the User to NACAPEI.COM, will be considered effective, for all purposes, when addressed in any of the following ways:

  • Sending by postal mail to the following address C/CREU ROJA, 33 08904 L'HOSPITALET DE LLOBREGAT, providing a photocopy of your ID card or alternative documentation proving your identity.
  • Sending by e-mail to the address

In this sense, all the Notifications made by NACAPEI.COM to the User will be considered validly made if they have been made using the data provided by him/her and through e-mail or postal mail. For these purposes, the User declares that all the data provided by him/her are true and correct, and undertakes to inform NACAPEI.COM of all changes relating to the notification data.


NACAPEI.COM shall not be liable in case of impossibility to provide the service, if the cause is due to prolonged interruptions of power supply, telecommunications lines, social conflicts, strikes, rebellion, explosions, floods, acts and omissions of the Government, and in general all cases of force majeure or fortuitous event.


En el supuesto de que cualquier estipulación del presente Aviso Legal resultara inexigible o nula en virtud de la legislación aplicable o como consecuencia de una resolución judicial o administrativa, dicha inexigibilidad o nulidad no hará que el presente Aviso Legal resulte inexigible o nulos en su conjunto. En dichos casos, NACAPEI.COM procederá a la modificación o sustitución de dicha estipulación por otra que sea válida y exigible y que, en la medida de lo posible, consiga el objetivo y pretensión reflejados en la estipulación original. Para toda cuestión litigiosa o que incumba los sitios Web que dependan de NACAPEI.COM, será de aplicación la legislación española, siendo competentes para la resolución de todos los conflictos derivados o relacionados con el uso de del presente sitio Web, los Juzgados y Tribunales de Barcelona (España) y en su caso, los Tribunales Arbitrales de consumo o semejantes a los que se encuentre adherida NACAPEI.COM, en el momento de producirse la controversia, salvo que el usuario tenga la condición de consumidor, en cuyo caso nos someteremos a los juzgados y tribunales del domicilio del consumidor


NACAPEI.COM reserves the right to make any modification or update of its contents and services, according to its criteria, or due to a change in legislation, jurisprudence or business practice. If NACAPEI.COM introduces any modification, the new text will be published on this same page, where the User will be able to be aware of the modifications. In any case, the relationship with the Users will be governed by the rules in force at the precise moment in which the website is accessed.

Este sitio web utiliza cookies para que usted tenga la mejor experiencia de usuario.